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Chandigarh Salons To Resume Services After Two Months

Salons and barbershops in the city beautiful Chandigarh to resume operations after a gap of almost two months with safety measures.

​To avoid and pre-empt the spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the following will be the guidelines to be followed by all Hair Salon/ Barber-shops operating within the territorial jurisdiction of Union Territory of Chandigarh:

1. All Hair Salon / Barber –shop can be opened.
2. These will be covered under “Non-essential” category of services and will follow all general guidelines issued by Chandigarh Administration from time to time.
3. No Hair Salon / Barber-shop inside Notified Containment Zone/Buffer Zone for COVID-19 shall be allowed to operate.

Guidelines for Opening / operating Hair Salon /Barber-shop:

A. On first day of opening no customer /client will be allowed, first day it will be cleaned thoroughly, preferably washed with soapy water/disinfectant.

B. First day will be used to give basic training to all staff members.

C. On-call prior appointment or token system to be adopted to reduce overcrowding and staggering of clients. The timing should be given in such way that enough time is available for sanitization of chair.

D. The seating of service area and waiting space shall be arranged in such way that minimum space of at least 1 meter remains between two seats. In small booth type of setting this can be ensured by allowing 1-2 clients only at a time.

E. Thermal temperature measuring equipment will be compulsory at entry. Temperature will be measured of all visitors /workers.

F. Hand Sanitizers will be available at entry for clients /staff.

G. Separate disposable towel /paper sheet shall be used for each client without any fail. In case towels are to be reused separate towel to be used for each customer and used towel shall be disinfected by 0.1% sodium hypochlorite solution.

H. All equipments shall be sanitized after each use on client using 0.5% solutions of Sodium HIt is better to keep multiple sets so as to use other while one set is getting disinfected.

I. Floor/common areas / handrails /door-knobs /work table/slab and frequently touching surfaces /objects must be disinfected with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution at least 3-4 time a day.

J. Carpets and rugs are not allowed. Floor must be cleaned regularly and frequently throughout the Service delivery timings.

K. Magazines, Newspapers and reading material may be avoided. Remotes of TV etc shall also be handled by only assigned person and should be disinfected regularly.

L. The waste generated in these premises will be kept in three separate bins/bags-

(i) Green- all bio-degradable like cut hairs/cotton/used paper sheet / paper-cups etc;

(ii) Blue-all non bio-degradable (except matel) like plastic sheets /polythene etc

(iii) Yellow-all Sharp and Hazardous waste like Blades/disposable razors etc.

This segregated waste shall be handed over to the team deployed by Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh. This waste will be disposed-of/processed as per guidelines by MC, Chandigarh.
M. Arogaya Setu application will be downloaded by all workers /clients.

Guidelines for Management / Workers:

A. No member of management /staff/ client shall be allowed if he /she is having any symptom of COVID-19 like High Temperature, fever, cough, cold, throat pain, difficulty in breathing etc.

B. No member of management /staff/client shall be allowed to remain without mask/face cover in side premises.

C. All members of management /staff shall use Hand Sanitiser / Hand was by soap frequently to avoid spread of infection.

D. All staff members to wear Head Cover, Face Mask, Gloves and Apron at all time compulsorily.
E. Staff must sanities their hands after giving service to a client.

F. All staff members shall be properly guided about these guidelines by the management /owner.

G. All staff members /workers must be medically screened every week. Health department will made arrangements for it.

H. Management will try to keep service charges preferably in Round figures to reduce multiple touch during transaction.

Guidelines for Visitors /Clients Customers:

A. No person having any symptom of COVID 19 like High Temperature, fever, cough, cold, throat pain, difficulty in breathing shall visit these facilities.

B. No person who is COVID-19 Positive or under Home Quarantine /Institutional Quarantine/ Isolation shall use these facilities.

C. Prefer prior appointment for availing services.

D. Prefer Digital mode (internet banking /BHIM/Paytm etc.) of payment for paying bills.

E. Use Face Mask while using services.

F. Wash your hands, cloths and take a bath after availing service to avoid further spread of infection.

G. Don’t keep your wallet /mobile phone etc. on any surface /slab in shop.

H. Prefer minimum visit only when it is utmost necessary.

These guidelines will be followed meticulously by all. The Manager / owner /supervisor of the facility shall be personally responsible for adherence of these guidelines. Any deviation /relaxation /negligence will attract strict legal action.