Situation of COVID-19 in U.T., Chandigarh has been reviewed in War Room meeting held on 03/05/2021 and it has been observed that there has been a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases during last few days.

Now, therefore, the undersigned in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 22 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, in my capacity as Chairperson. State Executive Committee. State Disaster Management Authority hereby issues the following directions:-
Night curfew will continue from 6 PM to 5 AM every day Further, total weekend curfew on Saturday and Sunday will also continue. Detailed order in regard to the weekend curfew order shall be issued by the District Magistrate.
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There will be day time restrictions w.e.f. 5 PM on 04/05/2021 (Tuesday), till 5 AM on 11/05/2021 (Tuesday). During these 07 days period, the following restrictions will be imposed :-
- All shops selling non-essential items will remain closed
- The shops selling essential items like milk. bread, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, eggs, meat, groceries, bakeries, opticians, mobile repair, etc. will be allowed to remain open.
- Restaurants including hotels, Cafe, Coffee Shops, Eating Places will be allowed to function only horne delivery. No seating arrangements will be allowed inside their premises. Home delivery can be done up. 9 PM and take-aways will be allowed till 5 PM.
- All government offices and banks will work with 50% capacity. However, this will exclude all departments/organizations, who are attending covid relat. work. Further, as per the guidelines of Govt. of India, all officers of the level of the Deputy Secretary, equivalent a. above shall attend office on regular basis. Head of the Departments shall prepare roster for the attendan. of the staff concerned.
- Visitors will be allowed to meet officials only with prior appointments. They may be required to produce vaccination certificates or negative RT-PCR reports.
- As far as possible, all private offices will ensure that their staff shall work frorn home.
- Public Transport .11 run with 50% capacity.
- The ban on Cinema Halls, Gyms, Spa, Bar, Swimming Pool, Coaching Centres will continue.
- Sports Complexes will remain closed. Special permission can be given by Secretary (Sports) to athletes preparing for Olympics etc.
- There shall be a complete ban on all social, cultural, sports and political gatherings.
- Recruitment exams will be postponed except those like UPSC etc., which are specifically permitted by Chandigarh Administration.
- While there will be no restriction on inter-state movement, yet those entering Chandigarh without negative covid reports or vaccine certificates will be subject to random testing.
- All Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Health related facilities like testing laboratories etc. will be allowed to function normally. n) The gathering for the occasions like marriages will be restricted to 50 and for crernation/funeral, it will be restricted to 20 persons.
- Crowded places like Sukhna Lake, Museums, Libraries, Rock Garden etc. will remain closed. The parks, however, will remain open from 5 AM till 9 AM.
- School, Colleges, Coaching Centres will remain closed. However, teaching staff will be required to come as per detailed instructions to be issued by the Education Department.
- While movement A vehicles As been allowed during day time, the residents are request. to stay at horne and avoid unnecessary travel.
- The manufacturing units/industry shall be allowed A rernain open. The movement of employees/labour of manufacturing unity/industry and vehicles carrying them shall be allowed. However, concerned unit/industry shall issue them requisite perrnission/identity cards for the purpo. and details of the same shall be shared with the Director Industries, Chandigarh.
- Street vendors dealing with essential items and mobile street vendors will be allowed upto 5 PM.
- All government offices in the city will close at 5 PM.
Any breach of this order shall invite action under section 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and section 188 of the Indian Penal Code along with other applicable laws.This order shall come into force with effect from 5 PM on 0410512021 and shall remain in force till 5 AM on 11105/2021.
Given under my hand and seal on 04105,021.